Love & Inspiration #26

Love & Inspiration #26

Here are your fresh Love & Inspirations for the week ahead:


1) Quote

  • “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.  I grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart: The salvation of man is through love.and in love “.  – Victor Frankl


2) Meditate – A New Vision

As we embark into the transition to 2020 we feel a new invocation was required to bring us back to a point of balance. What is being called for, is a New Vision.

This is a new anthem for our generation.  Please take 8.25 minutes to close your eyes, and listen with full presence to this musical transmission. 

It is powerful, clear, insightful, inspiring, informative, empowering, and it unpacks how we can wake up to more joy, awakening and freedom. 

Highly recommend you support these artists.




3) Tedx Talk – Breathe to Heal

With anxiety, stress, and sleep dysfunction skyrocketing around the globe, it’s time we look at the unspoken reasons why. These debilitating challenges can be meaningfully impacted with ten to twenty minutes of breathing exercises per day. Max Strom,who has taught breath-work for 20 years, reveals his insights into the healing power of the breath.



4) Inspiring Japanese Concept, Aesthetic & Worldview

  • Wabi-Sabi  –  Finding beauty within the imperfections of life, and accepting peacefully the cycle of growth and decay, remembering that Nothing is Permanent. Nothing is finished. Nothing is perfect.  

Wabi-sabi is about making peace with imperfection. All life is in a constant state of change.  Even though we know this in our minds, it can be hard to accept.  Sometimes I look in the mirror and see the signs of my ageing, and there arises in me moments of sadness at the recognition that a certain youthfulness in me has now passed….This concept of Wabi-Sabi helps me celebrate the inevitable changes of life, and is an excellent tool to keep in your bag of tricks especially in those moments when you feel separate, loss or disconnected.




5) An Essential Mindfulness Read

This is a beautiful and insightful little pocket-book that was gifted to me by a very special friend once upon a dream.  I truly cherish it and the insight within.  This is a section from  the book that I particularly love and that we shared on retreat this week.


There are 4 Elements of True Love:


1. Loving-Kindness

2. Compassion

3. Joy

4. Equanimity


True love is made of four elements: loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. In Sanskrit, these are, maitri, karuna, mudita, and upeksha. If your love contains these elements, it will be healing and transforming, and it will have the element of holiness in it. True love has the power to heal and transform any situation and bring deep meaning to our lives.


1. Loving-Kindness (maitri)

First, there is loving-kindness. Being able to offer happiness to another is the essence of loving-kindness. But more importantly, we must remember that the first person we are to offer loving-kindness is ourself. How can we give happiness to anyone else if we don’t offer it to ourself?’

You can be the sunshine for another person. You can’t offer happiness until you have it for yourself. So build a home inside by accepting yourself and learning to love and heal yourself. Learn how to practice mindfulness in such a way that you can create moments of happiness and joy for your own nourishment. Then you have something to offer the other person.


2. Compassion (karuna)

Compassion is the second element of true love. As with loving-kindness, we must first have compassion for ourself. With compassions, we understand the suffering we experience as well as the suffering in another person. The compassionate mind cherishes another (and oneself) and wishes to release them from their suffering.’

You can transform your own suffering and help transform the suffering of the other person with the practice of mindfulness and looking deeply.

True compassion has no personal intention or attachment. We may think we are being compassionate when we wish for someone to be free from an illness, but if we are mindful, we may see that we want them to feel better because we miss their company. This is a selfish intention and it is likely that the relationship is based on attachment and not true love.

True compassion comes from cherishing the other and wishing them well without any self involvement.

But again, we cannot hope to be compassionate toward another unless we are first compassionate toward ourself. Thich Nhat Hahn says,

Often, we get crushes on others not because we truly love and understand them, but to distract ourselves from our suffering. When we learn to love and understand ourselves and have true compassion for ourselves, then we can truly love and understand another person.


3. Joy (mudita)

Joy is the third element of true love; that is, the capacity to offer joy.

When you know how to generate joy, it nourishes you and nourishes the other person. Your presence is an offering, like fresh air, or spring flowers, or the bright blue sky.

Simply put, there cannot be true love without joy – joy for ourselves and the one we love.


4. Equanimity (upeksha)

The fourth element of true love is equanimity or upeksha. Upa means ‘over’ while iksha means ‘to look’. This fourth element lets us look over the whole situation – without being bound by attachment, clinging, or discrimination. If your love has any of these qualities, it is not true love.

In a deep relationship, there’s no longer a boundary between you and the other person. You are her and she is you. Your suffering is her suffering. Your understanding of your own suffering helps your loved one to suffer less. Suffering and happiness are no longer individual matters. What happens to your loved one happens to you. What happens to you happens to your loved one.

It is essential to nourish these 4 elements of love. If we do not, any love we have will fade.

Also essential is practicing and directing love toward ourselves first. This is something that many people simply do not do.

The teachings on love given by the Buddha are clear, scientific, and applicable… Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the very nature of an enlightened person. They are the four aspects of true love within ourselves and within everyone and everything.


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Love & Inspirations


Thanks for reading. 

Please remember to sign up for our Love-Letter to access exclusive deals and weekly lessons / musings from Francie that we only share with our subscribers!



***What’s your favourite inspiration this week?***

I LOVE Hearing from You. Please let me know!



** Pssst….Wanna Co-Create?**

We love collaborating with our beautiful community. 

This summer we are inviting you to come share! 

Are you an artist/painter, photographer, videographer, marketing maven, data analyser, blogger, v-logger, writer, PR specialist,  storyteller, influencer or have another special talent, skill or passion that wants to SHARE & Practice Yoga in Paradise?

  Please reach out and send an e-mail to

If it’s a good fit, we’ll invite you to come stay for

an intimate, magical and inspiring week FREE @ Pure Flow Yoga, Koh Phangan Thailand


Love & Inspiration #26

Love & Inspiration #25

Here are your fresh Love & Inspirations for the week ahead:


1) Quote

  • “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

    ― Rumi


2) One of the Best Motivational Speeches Ever 

I love this. I had no idea of the depth and intelligence of Jim Carrey.  I knew he was hilarious but….Wow! I’m totally speechless.  “Many of us make decisions through fear disguised as practicality”.  A huge topic on our retreat this week has been LOVE vs FEAR, and Jim Carrey addresses this incredibly.  You can watch the whole speech on Youtube as well. 



3) Read the 4 Agreements

This book changed my life, and I’ve been revisiting these key agreements as a way to engage more gracefully with myself, with life and with other people.  Currently I’m working deeply with #2 – Take nothing personally.  I tend to.  So it’s been wonderful to revisit this and remember that often, if there is disharmony in relationship, it is stemming from suffering or unhappiness, either in myself, the other person, or more likely, both of us. 

The Four Agreements are:

  1. Be Impeccable With Your Word.
  2. Don’t Take Anything Personally.
  3. Don’t Make Assumptions.
  4. Always Do Your Best.



Which agreement do you feel you could benefit most from working with?

I’d LOVE to hear from You. 


4) Inspiring Reminder



Yesterday on retreat, we did some epic ecstatic dance and vocal activation.  For most of the students, it was one of the highlights and breakthroughs.  It was also one of the biggest challenges.  At first, the students were tentative, they felt awkward, I felt the looks of mistrust distrust….but then every single person cracked open a new layer of letting go, of freedom,  We were all reminded that in fact, the magic, the growth, the evolution, the proverbial lotus growing from the mud, arises when we take the leap outside of our comfort zones.  Woo hoo!



5) Music Video

What can I say? I’ll probably always LOVE anything and everything created by Radiohead.  Deep, powerful, incredibly well-produced and created. They are still one of my favourite all-time bands and this is a beautiful short film.



***Remember to sign up for our Love-Letter to access exclusive deals and weekly lessons / musings from Francie that we only share with our subscribers! ***

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Love & Inspirations

***What’s your favourite inspiration this week?

I’d Love to Hear from You. Please let me know!***


 I hope you enjoyed today’s selection of Love & Inspirations.  Please let me know which of the above inspirations is you LOVE the most?

If you could wave your magic wand and have me share anything in particular, what would it be? Help me Help You!

 Please et me know on Instagram, Facebook, or simply send me an email.



** Pssst….Wanna Co-Create?**


We love collaborating with our beautiful community.  This summer (until August 31st) we are inviting you to come share!  If you’re a photographer, videographer, marketing maven, blogger, v-logger, storyteller, influencer or have another special talent, skill or passion that you want to SHARE,  please reach out and send an e-mail to  If it’s a good fit, we’ll invite you to come stay for an intimate, magical and inspiring week FREE @ Pure Flow Yoga, Koh Phangan Thailand

Love & Inspiration #26

Love & Inspiration #24

Happy International Yoga Day!

Yoga totally changes lives!


How awesome that the United Nations has officially declared the summer/winter solstice as International Yoga day to raise awareness worldwide of the benefits of practicing Yoga.


Today we celebrate the importance and value of Yoga as tool for connection to ourselves, and how that affects the way we connect with others and the planet


I wonder, How has Yoga changed or improved your life?

Hit Reply – I’d love to hear from You!



We remember with love, one of our mot loyal students, devoted friends and helper, Kyle Keeber who passed this week.


“Thank you francie!!!! ! I really can’t be grateful enough for what a big difference you’ve made in my life. Hearing all the wonderful and beautiful things people have said to me and about me this past week and how much people have recognised this new positive energy I carry with me has really made me realise what a big evolution I’ve had in the past year and all this really wouldn’t have been possible without you and pure flow” – Kyle, USA

Here are your fresh Love & Inspirations for the week ahead:

1) Quote

  • “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.” — Tim Ferriss


2) What is Aum / Om?

  • “Om or Aum of the Vedas became the sacred word Hum of the Tibetans, Amin of the Moslems, and Amen of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Jews, and Christians.” -Paramahansa Yogananda


Aum, sometimes spelled Om,  is the most universal of Hindu symbols and its sound is used in most yoga traditions to promote body-mind harmony. We often begin and end each yoga asana class with 3 Aums, to bring each individual and the collective into this. The sound of Aum spans the full range of the human voice, beginning at the base of the spine, moving up to the navel and slowly vibrating up to the 3rd eye chakra and beyond.

Aum is said to be the primordial sound of creation; the sound of all things in the universe vibrating simultaneously. Aum is used to symbolise the universe and the ultimate reality, representing the three aspects of God: Brahma – Creator (A), Vishnu – Sustainer (U) and Shiva – liberator/destroyer (M). Aum is a also said to be a prayer of protection, representing: “a” –the waking experience, “u” – the dream experience, “m” – the deep sleep experience. Many traditions use this sound to seal or confirm a prayer, for example “Amen” is used in Judeo-Christian cultures and “Aho” in Native American tradition.


3) Join Global Om TODAY – June 21st!!!

This is happening TODAY and I encourage you to join – Click the Link for Time Converter to sync up.

From this article…”Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning “union”, and therefore yoga is a perfect antidote to our divided world. Recognising the popularity and health benefits of Yoga, on the 11th of December 2014, the United Nations proclaimed June 21 as the International Day of Yoga. This year’s theme for Yoga Day is Climate Change and it will take a unified global effort of individuals with healthy bodies, clear minds and open-hearts to avert our planetary crisis. Sanskrit is an ancient Indo-Aryan language that influenced cultures in Asia and Europe, and OM is the root syllable from which the language originated. is hosting a Facebook Live webcast of a globally synchronised OM to honour Yoga Day and inviting people to join for 15 minutes on June 21 at 10:30 AM PDT wherever they are on the planet.”


4) Guided Meditation – 20 mins

My friend Rita, who has been a devoted meditator for many decades now, turned me on to this meditation to help me de-clutter the mind and find more relaxation.  I find the visualisations they offer pretty helpful, and could see how coming back to this again and again could be very helpful.


5) Song – To Let Myself Go

I’ve loved this song as long as I can remember.  This is a fresh more danc-y version that is helping to bring me into my embodied practice on the mat and remember the mantra …to let myself go.  Do you dig?

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Love & Inspirations

***What’s your favourite inspiration this week?

I’d Love to Hear from You. Please let me know!***

As always, I hope you enjoyed today’s selection of Love & Inspirations.  Please let me know which of the above inspirations is your favourite?  Anything in particular that you want more or less of? Other ideas or suggestions? Please et me know on Instagram, Facebook, or simply send me an email.


** Pssst….Wanna Co-Create?**

We love collaborating with our beautiful community.  This summer (until August 31st) we are inviting you to come share!  If you’re a photographer, videographer, marketing maven, blogger, vlogger, storyteller, influencer or have another special talent, skill or passion that you want to SHARE,  please reach out and send an e-mail to  If it’s a good fit, we’ll invite you to come stay for an intimate, magical and inspiring week FREE @ Pure Flow Yoga, Koh Phangan Thailand

Love & Inspiration #26

Love & Inspiration #23

Here are some fresh inspirations for your week ahead:


1) Quote

  • The journey of true discovery lies not in finding new lands but in looking through new eyes. – MARCEL PROUST


2) Song Pre-Release, just for You Guys!!!

  • Karina’s Song – by Mel Dobra 

Feel so honoured that Mel is sharing her pre-release with our tribe.  That’s me singing her backup vocals too 🙂 Hope you enjoy it and let us know what you think!  Mel will be joining us for the Sacred Sound Retreat in a few weeks:  Yoga, Sound Healing, Vocal Activation, Singing, Kirtan and practices to unlock your creative potential.  It’s gonna be epic.  Secure your place here.




3) My favourite Gaia Video Series: 

Are you a Yoga nerd too? This has to be one of my favourite Yoga series ever.  The Yoga Nerd in me is just so so sooooo satisfied.  I particularly love Ep. 7: Sound and Technologies of Consciousness.  If you are looking to get a deeper understanding of the Yoga path, this is a no-brainer go-to to give you the feeling, the wisdom and the information to inspire and inform you. Check it out!

“Filmed across India, this 9-episode series takes you on a journey through mystical Indian landscapes and never before seen ashrams to explore the many branches of yoga.

While the practice of physical postures called asanas is most well-known in the West, understanding the full scope of this rich and varied tradition gives meaning and power to the yoga we know today. An incredibly honest and deep exploration of yoga, Yogic Paths is a docu-series of thoughtful interviews that touch the heart and encourage self-discovery, reminding us how deeply we are all connected.

Featuring Geeta Iyengar, Christopher Hareesh Wallis, Krishna Das, Krishna Kaur Khalsa, Anand Mehrotra, Dr. Jim Mallinson, Sally Kempton, Chris Chapple, and more.


4) Full Strawberry Moon Update

“So far this year,  disruption and big decisions have ruled the day. As you head into mid-month, expect things to come into sharper focus as you set your eyes on a new goal…you can expect extra focus, optimism, and feelings of security as you pursue your goals.You can also expect an extra dose of optimism and a sense of expansion from moon conjunct to Jupiter…”



5) Productivity & Organisation hack

  • Passion Planner – An appointment calendar, goal setting guide, journal, sketchbook, gratitude log & personal and work to-do lists all in one notebook.

This week I was gifted, by Randi Schiffman, who I interviewed this week for an upcoming release of a podcast episode, a passion planner before setting off on her summer tour.  No joke – it has literally changed my life. I’ve always been a pen and paper kind of girl, and yet I’ve got so much so many notes in so many different online places in apps, on my computer on my phone…Now, I finally feel like I’m getting organised with intention, and I’m super grateful for the structure and clarity that the format of this passion planner offers. For those of us who tend to get scattered or leave things to the last minute, a planner like this can really help. Highly Recommend.

** Pssst….Wanna Co-Create?**

We love collaborating with our beautiful community.  This summer (over the next 3 months) we are inviting you to come share!  If you’re a photographer, videographer, marketing maven, blogger, vlogger, storyteller, influencer or have another special talent, skill or passion that you want to SHARE,  please reach out and send an e-mail to  If it’s a good fit, we’ll invite you to come stay for an intimate, magical and inspiring week FREE @ Pure Flow Yoga, Koh Phangan Thailand

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Love & Inspirations

***What’s your favourite inspiration this week?

I’d Love to Hear from You. Please let me know!***


Love & Inspiration #21

Love & Inspiration #21

Love & Inspiration #21
Balance – Be – All – And – See

Hey lovely,

Do you feel balanced? Do you feel your life has equal parts effort and surrender?

This week I feel very blessed to be student-ing on Bex Tyrer’s course “Unwind the Feminine”.

(You’ll get to hear and learn more from this incredible woman in the coming weeks from the podcast interview I just did with her..)

Travelling with purpose, learning more & deepening my personal practice, and connecting with community – these are such high values for me, and ones that bring me so much joy and balance.

And for me as a teacher, student-ing is such an important aspect of maintaining my excellence as a leader and facilitator.

You can read more about my personal journey with Solo Travel & Yoga Retreats Here >>>

Click here to Read…

I’m only halfway through the course, but already I feel I am learning a radical and new approach to leadership, creativity, and my spiritual life based on the menstrual cycle and want to share a taste with you.

In Yoga we often talk about the need for balancing or bringing into union, the energies of shiva – divine consciousness – the masculine principle, and shakti – the creative principle – the feminine,

We are all of it – We all have both qualities within us.

Be All and See – this is the key to balance.

I think oftentimes, there’s a great misunderstanding about what healthy/unhealthy masculine and feminine aspects are, and how these qualities manifest within us, whether we are women or men.

What I’m learning is that, for those of us that are women, this balance of shiva and shakti energy needs to be considered in relation to our cycles.

There are four phases to the menstrual cycle which can be likened to the seasons of the year. Within each season there are different powers we can tap into .

For example (take from Alexandra Pope’s Red Power Cards)

  1. Menstruation/inner winter – stillness, surrender, vision
  2. Preovulation/inner spring – play, explore possibilities, assert
  3. Ovulation/inner summer – connect, do the work, generosity
  4. Premenstruum/inner autumn – lose it, insight, meet the critic

We are such powerful beings, and even more so when we have the knowledge and awareness to truly honour where we’re at in our cycles,

to really tune in and listen to when we need to effort and when we need to surrender.

Instead of trying to push through what’s arising for us in each moment – moods, emotions,, desires – to GSD (get shit done), its more important to instead learn to honour the cycle to create more balance and tap into even greater aspects of our feminine power.

Does that resonate with you? Feel a bit woo-woo?
I’d LOVE to hear from you.

Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

Thanks again for being a part of this beautiful movement.

We truly LOVE and APPRECIATE you being here,

With Love, Gratitude & Blessings,



P.S. Our 15% Flash Sale is on for another week or two. Book Now to SAVE on our retreats.

P.P.S What’s you’re favourite inspiration from this week’s Love & Inspirations shared below? Please hit reply and let me know! I LOVE hearing from you,

P.P.S Sharing is Caring. IT WOULD MEAN THE WORLD TO US, If you enjoyed this Love & Inspiration, if you could refer us to your community, forward this e-mail to a friend, and/or leave us a review.

Here are some fresh inspirations for your weekend ahead:

1) Precious Human Life: Daily Prayer by HIs Holiness the Dalai Lama

“Everyday, think as you wake up:

Today I am fortunate to have woken up,
I am alive,
I have a precious human life,

I am not going to waste it,
I am going to use all my energies to develop myself.

To expand my heart out to others,
To achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings,

I am going to have kind thoughts towards others,
I am not going to get angry, or think badly about others.

I am going to benefit others as much as I can.”

~ H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

2) *NEW* Blog Post – Dream of Solo Travel? This post is for you.
Why Yoga Retreats are the Perfect way to Travel SoloTop 5 Reasons Why a Yoga Retreat is the Perfect Way to Make your Solo Travel Journey Deep and Meaningful
Traveling alone can be one of the most rewarding experiences of our lifetime. Traveling to a new part of the world can also be an intimidating experience, especially if you’re going alone, and especially if it’s your first time. You may wonder – Is it safe for me to travel alone? Will I feel lonely? How will I know where to go or what to do? Coming on a Yoga Retreat in is the perfect mix of combining your call to travel solo to an exotic destination, with your desire to invest in your health and well-being, and travel with purpose.

3) *NEW* Music Playlist for You
Forca Feminina Flow
Last week I help to create an epic event here in Bali which we called Forca Feminina, where our vision was to co-create a deep and inspirational space to celebrate the spectrum of beauty and power of the feminine force. Here’s an awesome compilation of the cool songs that I compiled for the Yoga class! I’m especially getting in love with the Lux Moderna – Ek Ong Kar track

4) Video / Broken Brain Podcast – 90 mins
How to Redesign the Subconscious Mind from Limitation to Freedom with Peter Crone.
Who would you be if you weren’t defined by the limiting dialogue of your own mind? We exist within mental constructs that dictate our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Suffering is a byproduct of these mental constraints. To create an extraordinary life we have to reveal the limiting framework of our perceived reality and shift the perception we have of ourselves in order to become limitless.

5) Quote

“The journey of true discover lies not in finding new lands but in looking through new eyes”. – Marcel Proust

Find more Love & Inspirations Here!

Instagram Post of the Week

Come flow with Francie this summer☀️Don’t miss your chance to practice with this free-spirited and inspirational Canadian yogini who started the pure flow magic💫Francie has led hundreds of transformational retreats and teacher trainings in Thailand, Bali and beyond🌎She’s also a meditation lover, hula hooper and talented musician with the voice of an angel 😇 Join her on a retreat in June and July 🧘‍♀️ Sign up now & get 15% off all retreats⚡️This sale won’t last long! So book your retreat and save 💵

#yogini #yogagoddess#yogaretreats2019 #yogaholiday#yogamagic #sharetheyogalove#yogainspiration #yogainnature#vinyasaflow #yinyoga #meditation#yogaphilosophy #thailandtravel#kohphanghan #paradiseisland#adventuretravel #offthebeatentrack#solofemaletraveler #tropicalbeaches#jungle #liveyourdream #selflove@cosmicflowfrancie @karrelc
Follow us on Instagram

Upcoming Retreats & Events

July 7 – 13, 2019 – Sacred Sound – Yoga + Music Retreat with Francie Love & Mel Dobra
May 26 – June 1 – Retreat in Paradise with Emma Lowe
June 2 – June 15 – Retreats in Paradise with Daphne Chua
June 16 – August 3 – YACEP Credit Available – Retreats in Paradise with Francie Fishman & Sophie Sharp

I’m Ready!

Let’s Go!

Yoga Teacher Training Super EARLY BIRD on Now!


Love & Inspiration #21

Love & Inspiration #20

Love & Inspiration #20
The Healing Powers of Music


What is your relationship music, and in particular, singing?

Are you comfortable expressing yourself fully? How do you feel about singing? Do you sing in the shower or in the car? How do you feel singing in front of others? Do you keep quiet cause someone told you to once upon a time?

As my friend Malaika always says, “If you can talk, you can sing”.

As many of you know, the past few years for me have really been about finding my voice and connecting more with music and sharing songs.

After some serious heartbreaks and set-backs a few years back, I started losing my voice every couple weeks for a year and a half. It was a really devastating and challenging time for my heart.

After a million ginger lemon honey teas, licorice teas, salt water gargles, days in silence, steams…I finally went to see some specialised doctors, where I got lots of tests and opinions.

While the doctors could see inflammation in my throat, they couldn’t see what was deeper, and therefore were unable to help me beyond treating the symptoms.

Frustrated, I knew I had to look deeper within.

I realised that when we don’t fully allow ourselves the space to fully express what’s in our heart, the energy that was meant to come up and out into the world,

actually moves down and gets lodged in the body, where it causing dis-ease. For me this manifested as this chronic loss of voice.

A big huge part of my healing journey has been all about music and singing – opening this sacred channel of the throat that connects the heart and mind.

For me, finding the path of sacred music and mantra singing has become a really key aspect of my healing journey, helping me to access what’s in my heart.

As a result of being able to connect more deeply within, I feel more confident to take up space, to express my authenticity, and explore my creativity.

Singing helps me to strengthen my sense of self-worth, and find the confidence to communicate from my heart and share my messages with the world.

Here’s what I know:

While I still have a long way to go on this path, I could not be more grateful for the gifts I receive for showing up to music:

This path of music continues to offer me insights into myself, my emotions, my self-worth and confidence, and it also brings me and those around me a lot of healing, joy, peace and connection.

In the the coming weeks I look forward to opening a deeper conversation with you about the voice, singing and the healing powers of music…

and I’m really looking forward to sharing my passion for this fun, powerful and healing practice in our upcoming Sacred Sounds Retreat in July. Please come if you feel called.

Today, I’m excited to introduce you to my dear friend and co-creator on this powerful and profound retreat – Mel Dobra.

Mel is an incredible musician, recording artist, performer, and performing arts educator and workshop facilitator based in Australia.

Click here to discover what Mel shares with us about her personal journey with music and it’s healing powers…

Click here to Read On…

Pure Flow Yoga News

Pure Flow Yoga has won Trip Advisor’s Certificate of Excellence 2019 for the 2nd year in a row!!! YAY!!!

THANK YOU x a bazillion to everyone who came and shared a yoga retreat experience with us here in Koh Phangan this last year and left a review.

This really makes a world of difference to us and others who this experience can help benefit.

Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

Thanks again for being a part of this beautiful movement.

We truly LOVE and APPRECIATE you being here,

With Love, Gratitude & Blessings,



P.S. Our Yoga Retreat 15% Flash Sale is still on. Book Now to Join an Intimate, Magical & Life-changing retreat in Paradise

P.P.S What’s you’re favourite inspiration from this week’s Love & Inspirations shared below? Please hit reply and let me know! I LOVE hearing from you,

P.P.S Sharing is Caring. IT WOULD MEAN THE WORLD TO US, If you enjoyed this Love & Inspiration, if you could refer us to your community, forward this e-mail to a friend, and/or leave us a review.

Here are some fresh inspirations for your weekend ahead:

1) Quote
“Do you know that the words meditation and medicine come from the same root? Meditation is a kind of medicine; its use is only for the time being. Once you have learned the quality, then you need not do any particular meditation, then the meditation has to spread all over your life. Only when you are meditative twenty-four hours a day then can you attain, then you have attained.” – Osho

2) Book I’m Revisiting
The Presence Process by Michael Brown
Why is it so difficult to respond consciously when we are upset? Why do we instead resort to hurtful, repetitive, unconscious, reactive behaviours? When we are upset, like programmed organic machinery, we automatically resort to reactive and unconscious behaviours that arise from unresolved emotional charges, often from childhood.

Throughout this 10 week guided process, we learn and practice to stop running from or projecting onto others our unresolved emotional charges, and consciously identify, be with, and integrate these shadow of ourselves that keep presenting in our lives. From here we can discover how to take full responsibility for the quality of our experience and release an victim-victor-saviour mentality

I’ve just started re-reading the first section of the book and will start Week 1 of the process next week. Let me know if you want to join me in the Presence Process. I’d love to share the journey.

3) Blog Post to Inspire You
The Healing Powers of Music by Mel Dobra
Mel Dobra, an acclaimed devotional music, recording artist, performing arts teacher and workshop facilitator shares her journey with music and it’s power.

The beautiful Mel will be co-facilitating the music and yoga retreat with me in July/ We would LOVE to have you there! You can book here. 🙂

4) Song I’m learning on Guitar
My Sweet Lord by George Harrison
An absolute classic. Enjoy!

5) Poem that I’m thinking about a lot alot

Autobiography in Five Chapters by Portia Nelson:

Chapter I

I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk I fall in. I am lost… I am hopeless. It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter 2

I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don’t see it. I fall in again. I can’t believe I’m in the same place. But it isn’t my fault. It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter 3

I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in…it’s a habit My eyes are open; I know where I am; It is my fault. I get out immediately.

Chapter 4

I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.

Chapter 5

I walk down another street.

HIT REPLY: What does this evoke in You?

Find more Love & Inspirations Here!

Instagram Post of the Week

What are you grateful for?

Did you know that gratitude has been proven to increase production of dopamine and serotonin, creating feelings of contentment & peace 🧘‍♀️ Other benefits of gratitude include: feeling more connected to others and less lonely, stronger immune system, improved emotional equilibrium, better sleep, increased energy, deeper relaxation and increased creativity💕
Today I’m grateful for: 💧clean water to drink 👣a morning walk in nature 🥗a yummy salad for lunch 💗hugs with loved ones

Let us know 3 things you’re grateful for today…we’d love to know!

#gratitude #abundance #appreciation#lawofattraction #awareness#lifeofayogi #yogavibes #yogajourney#yogaretreat #yogaholiday#yogachangedmylife #adventuretravel#solotraveller #offthebeatenpath#tropicalnature #amazingthailand#kohphangan #islandlife #seasunsand#practiceandalliscoming #manifestation#liveyourdream #paradise
Follow us on Instagram

Upcoming Retreats & Events

July 7 – 13, 2019 – Sacred Sound – Yoga + Music Retreat with Francie Love & Mel Dobra
May 26 – June 1 – Retreat in Paradise with Emma Lowe
June 2 – June 15 – Retreats in Paradise with Daphne Chua
June 16 – August 3 – Retreats in Paradise with Francie Fishman & Sophie Sharp


Love & Inspiration #26

Love & Inspiration #22

Here are some fresh inspirations for your weekend ahead:

1) Quote

  • “Flow with whatever may happen, and let your mind be free: Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.” – Zhuangzi


  • “I want to stay as close on the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center. Big, undreamed-of things — the people on the edge see them first”. – Kurt Vonnegut


  • Sometimes your higher self will guide you to make mistakes so you can learn lessons.” Gabrielle Bernstein



2) Article I’m Featured in 

In this article, I am featured alongside superstar Yogis, Janet Stone, Rachel Zinman & Annie Au to name a few, offering excellent insights and tips on how to market your holistic wellness or retreat business.


***This week, 5 of my friends asked me to look over their websites and offer them feedback and advice.  It was amazing.  They got so much value and I loved it. WIN-WIN  All 5 of my friends really encouraged me to put myself out there and charge for my offerings! Turns out after 3 years of running a business (7 years if you take into account my previous work), researching, doing online courses and gathering tonnes of information and knowledge in the realm of spirituality and business, I have actually qualified myself to help people THRIVE in their offerings.  So, now after spontaneously putting myself out there to my friends on FB,  and having a really full-power response, the universe seems to be indicating that I just try – and simply communicate with you what I’m doing.   


******Holistic Business Mentoring now available, first-come first-serve to help 3 more people get more clarity, purpose and direction with your Yoga or Wellness business and website. This could be especially beneficial to you if you are in the first 0-3 years of creating an online presence,  If this is you,  please e-mail me –



3) Epic Song created @Inspirit Music Production Retreat

Shoutout to my friends Josh Wise for producing an epic first release.  Also a big shoutout to Baptiste Sejourne who recently created In-Spirit – first ever holistic music production retreat in the jungle of Bali close to Ubud. The idea behind the retreat was to combine the technical side of music production with the practical side of channelling divine inspiration trough meditation, qi gong, breath work and voice embodiment with the goal to create music that is a unique soul expression, inspiring and healing and has the power to uplift the frequency of the planet. The result of this magical co-creative experience can be heard on this compilation. Most of the participants have had little or no music production experience at all before but thanks to a very efficient schedule and passionate teachers they each ended up with a fully finished unique track.  For more information on upcoming retreats check!



4) #LessPlasticMoreFantastic Short Film- 15 mins

Last year I got to be a part of really cool beach-clean up project and trashion show.   More and more we are being called upon by pacha mama, mamma Gaia, Mother Earth. the next generation…to step up our game and become more aware and accountable of how we are consuming, using precious resources and living on this crying planet.

Check out this awesome full length BTS Documentary (behind the scenes) documentary on the making of the short film I am Ocean, an artistic commentary, on the dire ocean-plastic issue that is clogging our planet’s oceans.

and Please & Thank You – SAY NO TO SINGLE-USE PLASTIC  #LessPlasticMoreFantastic 🌺



5) Podcast I’m Enjoying

I’ve been on a bit of a podcast binge this week and came upon this raw and real, inspiring, connected, vulnerable and authentic interview by Elena Brower – Super star Yoga teacher, author and speaker with with Gabrielle Bernstein,  the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Universe Has Your Back, five additional bestsellers, and featured on Oprah’s SuperSoul Sunday as a “next-generation thought leader,” among other accolades. 

Upcoming Events

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Love & Inspirations

***What’s your favourite inspiration this week?

I’d Love to Hear from You. Please let me know!***



** Pssst….Wanna Co-Create?**

We love collaborating with our beautiful community.  This summer (over the next 3 months) we are inviting you to come share!  If you’re a photographer, videographer, marketing maven, blogger, vlogger, storyteller, influencer or have another special talent, skill or passion that you want to SHARE,  please reach out and send an e-mail to  If it’s a good fit, we’ll invite you to come stay for an intimate, magical and inspiring week FREE @ Pure Flow Yoga, Koh Phangan Thailand


Love & Inspiration #21

Love & Inspiration #19

Love & Inspiration #19
Checking out of the Morning
Phone-Check Cycle to Reclaim your Day

How are you?

Question – Do you check your phone first thing in the morning?

If you do, you are in good company.

According to research by IDC and sponsored by Facebook, more than 80% or 4/5 smartphone users check their phones before brushing their teeth or getting out of bed in the morning.

This week I tried out an experiment on myself: I would check my phone in the mornings only after I had already finished my meditation and yoga practice.

Here’s what happened…

Click here to Read On…

Hope you have a wonderful day and beautiful weekend ahead.

Thanks again for being a part of this beautiful growing Pure Flow Yoga Tribe,

We truly LOVE and APPRECIATE you! being here,

With Love, Gratitude & Blessings,



P.S. Our 15% Flash Sale is still on. Book Now to Join an Intimate, Magical & Life-changing retreat in Paradise

P.P.S Sharing is Caring. If you enjoyed this Love & Inspiration, please forward this e-mail to a friend, leave us a review, and / or take 2 minutes now to become a part of our awesome referral program.


Here are some fresh inspirations for your weekend ahead:

1) Quote

“No one succeeds without effort… Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance”. – Ramana Maharishi

2) Blog Post

Reclaim your Day: 3 Tips to Help you Checking Out of the morning Phone-Check Cycle

3) Song: Remixed Classic
Leonard Cohen: The Partisan (MK Remix) – Electronica Massive Edit

4) Inspiring Video Talk
Thich Nhat Hanh talks with Oprah Winfrey

5) Thought Provoking Image

Find more Love & Inspirations Here!

Francie’s Upcoming Offerings

May / June 2019 – Bali

Awaken your Voice: Wednesdays @ Sayuri Cafe, 6pm

Sound Medicine Journey: Thursdays @ Yoga Barn, 3-4:30pm

Wanna make magic where you are (or where you wanna go)? Let’s talk. I’m now offering private retreats and trainings in Bali, Canada, USA and beyond in 2019/2020 and I’d love to connect with You! 🙂

June / July 2019

Yoga Retreats in Paradise @ Pure Flow Yoga

Yoga Alliance – YACEP 30h & 60h – Continuing Education Credit for Yoga Teachers – June 16 – July 26, 2019

Upcoming Retreats

Instagram Post of the Week

Yes we do! Who’s with me ladies?

✨#wild #wildwoman#solotravel #solofemaletravel#travel #thailand #thailandgram#yogainparadise #pureflowyoga#yogaretreatsthailand#yogaretreats #yogaretreats2019#offthebeatenpath#offthebeatentrack #kohphangan#adventuretravel #tribay #yoga#yogainspired #essentialnature
Follow us on Instagram

Upcoming Events

Early Bird on until April 30th

Join us in Paradise!

Super EARLY BIRD on Now!
Copyright © 2019 Pure Flow Yoga, All rights reserved.

Love & Inspiration #21

Love & Inspiration #18

Love & Inspiration #18
Let go to Let flow

Namaste beautiful,

First of all, just wanna let you know that we are doing a
FLASH SALE – 15% off all Retreats NOW
So if you’re thinking about coming soon, now is the time.

Did you catch my Instagram LIVE this week I wonder? I started sharing a couple weeks ago my personal musings on life and what’s present for me and Pure Flow, and I’d love to see you there.

Mondays @ 3pm Bali Time / 2 pm Thailand / 8am UK Time / 5pm Australia / 3am NYC (if you miss the LIVE, you can catch a reply on our instagram stories for 24 hours only!)

This week, on the instagram live, I bared my soul and shared very vulnerably with you about where I’m at and the struggle I’m having to keep the business side of Pure Flow Yoga…flowing.

I’m in a place where I’m coming into a lot of questions of how can i make this project work. How can i keep it all flowing and supporting? What if I have to let it all go? What does that even mean? Who would I be if I let it all go?

How can I lean into trust more.

When life is not unfolding in a state of pure flow of synchronicity, ease, and joy, what do you do?

For me, I notice that my tendency at first, is to fight the current, work harder, stress more, and try to control the situation to make things work. I hold on for dear life.

Generally, I do this until I become aware that I’m caught in the illusion of believing that I am ultimately in control of everything. Slowly I realise that I’ve gotten caught in an attachment of thinking that what i do is who am I.

What I do, the relationships I have, the likes and dislikes that I have, these are ever-changing aspects of my personality, my ego if you will. They are not the essence of who I am.

In other words, I will still be me, even if my outer world, my work, my relationships, my georgraphy etc completely change.

So what to do in these moments where life is not in full flow?

Practice the life-long art and practice of letting go.

While I’ll continue to do my best, and show up to the challenges that present,

and while I’ll maintain my commitment to the path of Yoga,
this commitment to cultivate my strength, balance and flexibility
of not only my body, but also my mind,

I let go of of how it’ll all unfold moving forward.
So that I can relax into a deeper state of trust in the unknown,
and remember that the great mystery,
the infinite intelligence that flows through life,
is far greater that i can ever fully comprehend in this moment.

So, I don’t yet know what will happen next with the business. Let’s see…

But, Here’s what i do know:

  • I can do my best and keep showing up to do #allthethings,
  • I can keep showing up to my practice of Yoga, meditation, prayer, asking questions, and deep patient listening
  • I can actively practice letting go into the great mystery and divine unfolding
  • I can control my relationship to this moment
  • I can cultivate more trust and knowing that whatever does happen next, is in the spirit of rising up and evolution.

    Today I invite you to take a minute and ask yourself, where in your life can you surrender to more trust and letting go?
    Please hit REPLY and let me know – I love hearing from you always, and always give each person an individual reply.


Here are some fresh inspirations to help you let go:

1) Quote

  • “We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell
  • “Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.” – Hermann Hesse
  • “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.”– Lao Tzu

2) Video

3) Music for Letting Go

  • Nourish by Hanna Leigh
    I seriously love this song and all the beautiful lyrics that flow through this incredible being. I had the chance to live with Hannah, once upon a time in a conscious community in Hawaii, and the resonance and frequency of what she shares is pure crystalline beauty. Hope you love it as much as i do!

4) Poem for Letting Go by Saffire Rose
Tip: Take the time to Read this out loud to yourself or to a friend.

She let go.
She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go.
She let go of the fear.
She let go of the judgments.
She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head.
She let go of the committee of indecision within her.
She let go of all the ‘right’ reasons.
Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go.
She didn’t ask anyone for advice.
She didn’t read a book on how to let go.
She didn’t search the scriptures.
She just let go.
She let go of all of the memories that held her back.
She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward.
She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right.
She didn’t promise to let go.
She didn’t journal about it.
She didn’t write the projected date in her Day-Timer.
She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper.
She didn’t check the weather report or read her daily horoscope.
She just let go.
She didn’t analyse whether she should let go.
She didn’t call her friends to discuss the matter.
She didn’t do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment.
She didn’t call the prayer line.
She didn’t utter one word.
She just let go.
No one was around when it happened.
There was no applause or congratulations.
No one thanked her or praised her.
No one noticed a thing.
Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.
There was no effort.
There was no struggle.
It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad.
It was what it was, and it is just that.
In the space of letting go, she let it all be.
A small smile came over her face.
A light breeze blew through her.
And the sun and the moon shone forevermore…

5) PFY Practice Podcast


Pure Flow Yoga News

Join us weekly on Instagram Live

Mondays @ 3pm Bali Time / 2 pm Thailand / 8am UK Time / 5pm Australia / 3am NYC
What questions do you have about Yoga, Retreats, life and/or everything in between?

I’d LOVE to hear from you and will share in the live. Please hit reply and let me know your question and also the time that might work best for you where you are.

Yoga Alliance – YACEP 30h & 60h
Continuing Education Credit for Yoga Teachers
June 16 – July 26, 2019
Are you a Yoga teacher? Do you want to become an even more skilled, confident and effective teacher and leader through deepening experiences and having rich individualised feedback? You can earn Continuing Education credit when you participate in one of our life-changing Yoga Retreats in Paradise in Koh Phangan with Pure Flow Yoga’s founder Francie Fishman

Please send me a personal email or book a discovery call here.

Sacred Sound Retreat: Yoga & Music
Awaken your Voice and Connect to your Song
July 7-13, 2019
with Francie Love & Mel Dobra

Francie’s Events in Bali
May / June 2019

  • Awaken your Voice: Wednesdays @ Sayuri Cafe, 6pm
  • Sound Medicine Journey: Thursdays @ Yoga Barn, 3-4:30pm
  • Wanna make magic where you are (or where you wanna go)? Let’s talk. I’m now offering private retreats and trainings in Bali, Canada, USA and beyond in 2019/2020 and I’d love to connect with You! 🙂

Hope you have a wonderful day and beautiful weekend ahead.

Thanks again for being a part of this beautiful growing Pure Flow Yoga Tribe,

We truly LOVE and APPRECIATE you! being here,

With Love, Gratitude & Blessings



P.S Check it out! We’ve just redesigned some of our website. What do you think? Is it easier to use now? Let us know what you think

P.P.S Sharing is Caring. If you enjoyed this Love & Inspiration, please forward this e-mail to a friend, leave us a review, and / or take 2 minutes now to become a part of our awesome referral program.

Instagram Post of the Week

Mandala magic🌺✨ #mandala #creativity #community#connecttonature #beauty #barefoot#abundance #appreciation #dailyrituals#flowers #leaves #junglelife#mamaearth #islandvibes#sharingcircle #love #yogaretreat#yogaholiday #yoginis #yogainspiration#thailand #kohphangan#practiceandalliscoming #paradise
Follow us on Instagram

Upcoming Events

Early Bird on until April 30th

Join us in Paradise!

Super EARLY BIRD on Now!

Love & Inspiration #21

Love & Inspiration #17

Love & Inspiration #17
New Moon Yin-spiration

Blessings to you for New Moon in Taurus this Sunday Lou,

New moons are a naturally more yin – reflective, introspective and intuitive – time.

Do you feel that?

As we approach this new moon, we are being invited to review how we go about our day-to day life, and reflect on how/where we can create more space, more presence, more love, more joy.

New Moons offer us the perfect opportunity for fresh starts and inspirations,

as well as support and nourishment for the seeds of the intentions we plant with this new cycle,

whether that’s to be more healthy, do more yoga and meditation practice, or simply to bring more gratitude into our days.

What seeds or intentions are you planting for this new moon cycle?
Please REPLY – I’d love to hear from you
(Otherwise be sure to tell a friend – so valuable to have a witness / accountability partner)


Here are some fresh inspirations to help inspire your presence for your week ahead:

1) Quote

  • “I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in the silence, and the truth comes to me”. – Albert Einstein
    (shared by Kyle Gartlan Close – one of our amazing YTT Grads)

2) Pure Flow Yoga Podcast

Emily is a true seeker at heart, and has journeyed from her humble American roots, to becoming a prominent international Yoga teacher based in Bali and offering her Self-Care, Woman & Feminine Sexuality work as well as her Taboo exploration workshops worldwide.

Emily has a passionate curiosity for exploring the big questions of life (and death), and also how can she be best be in service to humanity a teacher. Emily is known for her skills and passion teaching Anusara Yoga, Embodied Flow, and now the more juicy and unexplored topics of sex, death & wealth, which we explore a bit in today’s conversation. Hope you enjoy!

Pssst. Did you know you can now support us to keep creating awesome content for you.
Click here to learn more.

3) 12 Minute Meditation Practice on Insight Timer

Our very own Daphen Chua, who will sharing @ Pure Flow Yoga this June offers this meditation…

Somatic education is an exploration into waking up the internal senses to uncover our own physical and subtle mind-body mapping, to help us determine the way we inhabit in our environment and respond to elements and people around us.

This is a short somatic reset practice, working with a simple body sensing, breath and subtle movements to cultivate awareness, restore mental clarity and ease of breath.

This can be practised anytime, anywhere. Just find a comfortable seat to begin.

4) Ask and You Shall Receive

Thank you x infinity to those of you who have been reaching out in gratitude and appreciation and asking for more. For more inspirations to fuel your flow, you can now visit our L & I archives on our blog right here

5) Music – Pure Flow Yoga Soundcloud Playlist

Enjoy 20+ curated heart-melt tracks to help you drop into to your Yin Yoga or simply your chiill-out flow.

Listen and let me know, What’s your favourite song?


Pure Flow Yoga News

NEW! Let’s Connect LIVE!
Fuel for your Flow – Instagram Live

Mondays @ 3pm Bali Time / 2 pm Thailand / 8am UK Time / 5pm Australia / 3am NYC
What questions do you have about Yoga, Retreats, life and/or everything in between?
I’d LOVE to hear from you and will share in the live.

Yoga Alliance – YACEP 30h & 60h
Continuing Education Credit for Yoga Teachers
June 16 – July 26, 2019
Are you a Yoga teacher? Do you want to become an even more skilled, confident and effective teacher and leader through deepening experiences and having rich individualised feedback?

You can now earn Continuing Education credit when you participate in one of our life-changing Yoga Retreats in Paradise in Koh Phangan with Pure Flow Yoga’s founder Francie Fishman

Please send me a personal email or book a discovery call here.

Sacred Sound Retreat: Yoga & Music
Awaken your Voice and Connect to your Song
July 7-13, 2019
with Francie Love & Mel Dobra

Francie’s Events in Bali
May / June 2019

  • Sister’s Singing Circles: Thursdays @ 11am – 12:30 pm
  • Sound Medicine Journey: Thursdays 3-4:30pm
  • Wanna make magic where you are (or where you wanna go)? Let’s talk. I’m now offering private retreats and trainings in Bali, Canada, USA and beyond in 2019/2020 and I’d love to connect with You! 🙂

Hope you have a wonderful day and beautiful weekend ahead.

Thanks again for being a part of this beautiful growing Pure Flow Yoga Tribe,

We truly LOVE and APPRECIATE you! being here,

With Love, Gratitude & Blessings



P.S. FEEDBACK PLEASE We’re busy-beeing behind the scenes to try and create an even better retreat and booking experience for you. Will you please check out this retreat-builder and let me know what you think.

P.P.S Sharing is Caring. If you enjoyed this Love & Inspiration, please forward this e-mail to a friend, leave us a review,and / or take 2 minutes now to become a part of our awesome referral program.

P.P.P.S We appreciate you so much. Until the end of the year 2019, use promocode “lovelovelove” for $75 off your next retreat with us:) This is exclusive to LOVELETTER subscribers only!

Testimonial of the Week

“Before coming, I was feeling guilty for taking this time for myself…now after 5 days on this wonderful island, in this wonderful retreat, it’s exactly what I needed and can really help anyone – my co-workers, family, everyone”.
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Upcoming Events

I’m Ready for this Epic Life-Changing High Vibe Retreat!

I’m Ready for Paradise!

Super EARLY BIRD on Now!