How to Cultivate Abundance in your Mind, Heart & Life through Yoga
Cultivate Abundance with Yoga & Meditation
“Abundance is about being rich, with or without money.”– Suze Orman
What does “abundance” mean to you?
Abundance can relate to material possessions, such as having lots of money, comfort, wealth – and it can also relate to a mindset and heart-set of gratitude, freedom and enoughness. 💰💜🙏
Abundance means “overflowing” – in other words, having more than enough. It’s a knowing, a feeling and a trust in the fullness and beauty of life within and around us. 🎉
It’s opposite is a feeling of contraction, scarcity and fear.
Truth is, having all our material comforts and possessions in the world will not inevitably lead to happiness and fulfilment.
Instead, Abundance comes from acknowledging the great gifts that we all have within us and all around us. 🎁
When we feel abundant – with love, connection, support, inspiration, nature, beauty… only then can we feel truly happy and free! 🙌
So how can we cultivate more of an abundance mindset & heartset?
The simplest path to feeling abundance is to practice daily gratitude and appreciation for life in its fullness as it is, and also practice trust in the process and great mystery of life.
Take a few moments to consider and/or journal about your relationship to abundance, both in the material and financial sense, and also in the spiritual and heart-based sense:
💕Where in your life do you feel abundant?
💕Where in your life do you desire to feel more abundant
💕What are you grateful for today?
💕Where do you lack trust in life?
💕What are some ways that you practice trusting more in life, in yourself, in the ever-unfolding mystery of life?
Let’s Practice: Laksmi Meditation with Abhaya / Fearlessness Mudra
Lakshmi is a goddess from the Hindu tradition who represents, wealth, love, beauty, grace, and lovely things. She is the goddess of abundance and is happy to be generous with us especially if we treat the earth and all of her splendours with tenderness and respect, and that we notice and delight in the wonder around us, the people we love, and that we listen to and honour the longings of our souls.
For this meditation, we emulate the mudra – energetic gesture that the image of Laksmi is expressing through her two front hands to help us cultivate a sense of abundance,
- Sit in a meditation pose with your spine nice and long.
- Raise your right hand shoulder height, palm facing outwards, fingers extended pointing upward, in a gesture of opening and receptivity. The wrist is bent at a right angle with the forearm. The left hand is hip height, palm facing downward in a gesture of giving and letting go.
- Take some deep breaths to allow the flow of prana – life force energy – to fill you up with courage and peace.
- Relax and make yourself comfortable.
- As you inhale feel yourself receiving abundance in your life through your right hand, and as you exhale, feel yourself giving it all way.
Hold this position for 5-10 mins everyday, or as long as you can, and then release gently.
🤔 Notice how you feel:
Are you more calm and relaxed?
Do your emotions feel settled?
Do you feel more abundant
Do you feel more fearless?
Awesome Abundance Quotes
“Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.”- Wayne Dyer
“If you look at what you have in your life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.”- Oprah Winfrey
“Riches are not from abundance of worldly goods, but from a contented mind.”- Nazr Mohammed
“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”- Tony Robbins
“When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”- Lao Tzu
“If you want love and abundance in your life, give it away.”- Mark Twain
Any of these resonate with You?
Which do you love the most? Let me know
Ready to feel more Abundant & In-Flow?
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1:1 Flow Coaching Discovery Call with Francie Today!
E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance | Post-Grad Dip. Education, Queensland University of Technology | BA Psychology / Philosophy, McGill University
Yogi, Life Coach, Musician, Entrepreneur, Enthusiast. Community Activator. Event Producer. Multi-Passionate, Free-spirited Lover of Life and Gypsy Soul. Francie is the inspired founder of the award-winning Pure Flow Yoga School in Thailand, voted one of the top 8 Retreats worldwide by the Guardian, 2018,
As a devoted practitioner and life-long student, Francie has studied thousands of hours with master teachers worldwide, and has curated and led more than 150 + Yoga Retreats, teacher trainings, workshops and programs with over 600+ students from all walks of life.
She has been a featured presenter at the acclaimed Bali Spirit Festival for the7years, as well as Island Elements in Australia, Oregon Eclipse, Symbiosis Gathering. In addition to presenting, Francie has also been involved as a festival producer with True:Nature Experience, Air Festival, Sacred Circularities, and other global festivals, retreats, trainings and gatherings online and worldwide.
Francie’s signature style embraces the most intuitive, creative, graceful and flowing movements that the practice has to offer, while tapping into the nurturing and powerful insights of the ancient tradition. She offers all-levels, inspiring and playful classes in Hatha Flow, Vinyasa, and Yin styles and retreats that weave in-depth instructions on alignment, sequencing, and awareness of the breath with her love of flow, embodiment, storytelling, music, and dance with her knowledge of mindfulness meditation, pranayama, energy anatomy, and Yogic philosophy and wisdom.
Francie is known for her enthusiasm, joy, and dedication to helping to uplift inspire and empower people to live embodied, joyful, aligned, connected, playful, and awakened lives, and is committed to being in service and to living an exceptional life of community, co-creation, celebration and flow.
Francie is based in Koh Phangan, Thailand and Ubud, Bali, where she offers her one-a-kind Cosmic Flow Vinyasa, Hatha Flow and Yin Yoga classes, Masterclass workshops in Philosophy, Lifestyle and Vocal Awakening, Kirtan, Sacred Music concerts, Sound healings and her Signature intimate, magical & life-changing “Yoga in Paradise” Yoga & meditation retreats.
For more info & inspirations visit: