Here are your fresh Love & Inspirations for the week ahead:
1) Quote
- “Our vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes”. – Carl Jung
2) Beautiful Song
A bit of a throwback to my Canadian hipster days. So pretty, and such fun to flow with on the mat…
3) Article: Silence as a Life-hack
Super interesting and confirming what the Yogis have long known. Check out a number of studies an research quoted in this article.
“Silence seems to have the opposite effect of the brain to noise. While noise may cause stress and tension silence releases tension in the brain and body. A study published in the journal Heart discovered that two minutes of silence can prove to be even more relaxing than listening to “relaxing” music. They based these findings of changes they noticed in blood pressure and blood circulation in the brain….
4) Video(s): How to get into a Flow State
- How To Get Into The Flow State | Steven Kotler – MindValley – 37 mins
- Animated Book Summary of Mihaly Csikszenrmihaly’s “FLOW” – by FightMediocrity – 5 mins
I’m a bit of a flow junkie. Before running Pure Flow Yoga, I was a hula hoop artist, connected deeply to Flow Arts Community and Flow as a state of being. These days, my current flow state tends to come from my work and creations. Currently I’m in flow state researching flow for possible online course topics I’m planning for end of 2019/2020 and came across these awesome “how to” videos.
Flow is a state of optimal experience / consciousness in which is found to be the quickest way to happiness and creativity.
In flow, there is a complete immersion and concentration on an activity – In this state, there is no time for attention to problems, our sense of time becomes distorted, and self-consciousness disappears,
We are all hardwired for flow. Flow is learnable and trainable.
Let me know below what you think of FLOW…::)
Knowing that you have access to flow state:
“What kinds of impossible grand challenges would you go after if you could be 500% more productive, 600% more creative, if you could cut learning times in half? – this is exactly what is available to you today” – Steven Kotler
5) Book I’m Reading / Required Reading for Women
- Wild Power: Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power
by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer
I’m so incredibly grateful to finally have access to the timeless wisdom contained in this work, and I do believe this, or perhaps any book on menstral cycle awareness (MCA) should be required reading for women. I’m so grateful to finally have this “user’s manual” and operation guide for my body and being as a woman.
“As a woman you are coded for power, and the journey to realising the fullness and beauty of that power – your Wild Power – lies in the rhythm and change of your menstrual cycle.
The menstrual cycle is a vital and vitalising system in the female body, yet our understanding of and respect for this process is both limited and distorted. Few women really know about the physiology of their cycle, and many do not see it as an integral part of their health and wellbeing, let alone as a potential guide to emotional and spiritual empowerment.
Wild Power tells a radical new story about feminine power. It reveals:
- Your inner architecture and the path to power that is encoded in your body
- How to tune in to the rhythm and changes of your menstrual cycle to realise the fullness and beauty of your authority
- Three ‘maps’ to guide you through the energies, tasks and challenges presented as you journey through each cycle
- How to work with your Inner Seasons to pace your energy, calm your nervous system and gain insight into your overall wellbeing
- How to work with your cycle to channel spiritual forces, affirm your expression in the world and achieve a deep sense of belonging
Thanks for reading.
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***What’s your favourite inspiration this week?***
I LOVE Hearing from You. Please let me know!
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