Here are your fresh Love & Inspirations for the week ahead:


1) Quote:

  • We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.- William James


2) Beautiful Remix

  • Lilac Wine  – Nina Simone & Jeff Buckley – (Marco Rigamonti Rai Tunes Remix)

I have long loved Jeff Buckley and also Nina Simone.  This is such a beautiful downtempo remix. 

Perfect for a little 6 minute boogie or Yoga flow in your bedroom,




3) Soul Session interview with Joe Dispenza

“Thoughts are the language of the brains, feelings are the language of the body”.



Wanna know what’s possible for your life?

In this masterful talk, high-profile neuroscientist Dr Joe Dispenza talks about quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and the nature of consciousness.  He explores what its like living in survival vs. living in creation. He unpacks the different types of stress and how they arise, emotions, meditation how-to and the brain states experienced within both waking and meditative states, and so much more.

As you know, I love hearing from you!  The past couple weeks, 2 different friends – Mel & Nadia have shared Joe Dispenza talks with me, and I’ve finally spent some time listening, and WOW!  Feeling inspired.

There are so many gems in this talk…not a huge fan of the background music tbh, but still so much gold here.


4) 🎧 Ayahuasca, Yoga Nidra & the Changing Landscape of the Yoga World


In this Episode, Simone shares about:

  • The 3 phases of the Yogi’s Journey
  • Why she’s letting go of teaching 200 hour trainings after 10 years and over 500+ graduates
  • The changing landscape of the Yoga World, and the irony of Yoga and social media
  • Yoga Nidra– Yogic sleep as an effective and useful way to integrate healing –especially for trauma work, addictions, anxiety, depression, and stress in general
  • Symbol of Aum as it relates to the brain states that we experience in Yoga Nidra, Medicine work and daily life – alpha, beta, theta, delta, gama.
  • Vision quests, Rights of Passage & the value of exploring different cultural and experiential lenses and perspectives
  • Bridging Yoga and Plant Medicine World
  • Ceremony & Dieting with Plant Medicines like Ayahuasca, Wachuma – San Pedro – What are they? Why are they being used? Who are they of benefit to? What does it mean to feel “called?
  • How the plant intelligences work: Hint: They give you what you need, not what you want…
  • Re-defining self-practice and it’s important role in integrating transformation


5) Yoga Nidra with Simone – 36 minutes



Yoga Nidra the ancient and sacred science of Yogic Sleep.  Yoga Nidra is said to be so powerful and effective in regenerating the body-mind, that 1 hour is said to be equivalent to 4 hours of regular sleep.  It has proven benefits including: Increasing joy and well-being, decreasing stress, anxiety and depression, improving sleep and energy, and helping us to clear habits, beliefs and patterns that no longer serve us. Enjoy this magical practice and discover the depths of stillness with Simone.


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Love & Inspirations


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***What’s your favourite inspiration this week?***

I LOVE Hearing from You. Please let me know!