Transforming Cellular Memory,

Yoga Deep &

the Celtic Woodland Yoga Festival

Interview with Cathy Pearson 

“You tears are prayers…with them come great relief and expansion”. – Cathy Pearson


Listen to my conversation with Cathy Pearson here:




In this Episode, Cathy shares about:

  • Meditation instead of medication – From depressed in her teens in Ireland to a life-long meditation practice
  • Her fascinating journey as an an award-winning documentary filmmaker
  • Transforming Cellular Memory, and the language and anatomy of sacred energy and purification
  • How to embrace and transform challenges through Universal Connection
  • the Celtic Woodland Yoga Festival, and how she’s helping to uplift and giveback to her local Yoga scene through the creation of Ireland’s 1st ever International Yoga & Spirit Festival
  • A trillion trees project and the importance of doing our bit to support worthwhile endeavours to help with climate crisis
  • Being a mom, and the power, bliss and choice of Natural Birth



About Cathy:

Born in Ireland, Cathy Pearson, founder of Yoga Deep and the Celtic Woodland YogaFestival, is an award-winning feature documentary filmmaker, Yoga teacher and Spiritual Educator. She’s also a mother and proponent of natural birth, who has been involved with yoga for over 20 years.  In that time she has been living between Ireland, Thailand, India & Bali offering group and one to one sessions and deepening her understanding of the incredible depths of yoga. studying and practicing a variety of styles and disciplines, from Iyenger and Hatha, to Ashtanga and meditation .

For the past 18  years, Cathy has been in a deep process of spiritual healing & purification, and has qualified as a certified Cellular Healing Therapist. This process is called Transforming Cellular Memory or TCM, where intuitive & psychic skills are developed to clear the pathways for sacred energy to flow through to help us unlock old behaviour and thought patterns and raising our level of consciousness in a profound and powerful way.

Her new project, The Celtic Woodland Yoga Festival, Ireland’s first international Yoga Festival,  launches in July 2019 in Ireland


Learn more about Cathy:


Show notes:

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