Here are your fresh Love & Inspirations for the week ahead:
1) Quote
- “Instead of measuring success in practicing a yoga posture by how far we go, we can ask how present we are in each moment. How aware are we of the movement of our breath, the sensations in our body, and the thoughts that pass through us? Instead of judging the correctness of a yoga posture by how we look, we can inquire what positioning makes us feel most integrated and honours rather than injures our unique physical body. If we are ill or emotionally overwhelmed, how skilfully can we make this challenge grist for the mill? Instead of, “How many hours did I spend meditating today, ” we can ask, “How did I live my practice in every moment of the day?” Something is tragically missing in our spiritual practice if through our most diligent efforts we manage to become a perfect yoga posture, rather than a person.” – Donna Farhi
2) Yoga 101: Namaste
Namaste is generally the first and last greeting you hear shared in a Yoga class.
It’s the common form of greeting in many south Asian and Hindu cultures and countries such as Nepal, and India – the birthplace of Yoga.
Often accompanied by a slight bow, and hand gesture, anjali mudra, where hands are brought together in a prayer like position in front of the heart, to symbolise heart connection, honouring, worshiping, prayer, balance, union of dual nature, humility and internal focus
On a very simple level, namaste is a greeting – a gesture of acknowledgement and way of saying “hello”.
On a deeper more esoteric level, Namaste is a deep recognition of the interconnected nature of being human.
3) Podcast I’m binging on:
- Yoga is Dead Podcast – with Tejal + Jesal
My dear sister Sofia Arajuo of Swara Yoga sent me this podcast a couple weeks back and I’ve been seriously enjoying the stories, research and discussion around the taboos of Yoga.
Whiie I don’t agree with or endorse all of the opinions expressed here, I do appreciate the importance of shedding light, and raising questions and discussion around these important and fascinating topic areas living modern Yoga’s shadow:
from spiritual bypassing and cultural appropriation, to Karma Capitalism, corrupt Gurus, whether white women “killed yoga”, and what a Yogic diet really means.
4) Book I’m Reading / Loving
- Awakening Shakti: The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga – by Sally Kempton
Yoga mythology nerds – this one is for you. I’m loving this book which s filled with rich and colourful, myth and meditation. It’s been recommended to me for years by fellow Yoga teacher friends of mine, and I am grateful to now finally be delving in.
How do you live a life of spiritual awakening as well as outer abundance, inner freedom as well as deep intimacy? How do you serve the world selflessly, yet passionately celebrate your life?
The sages of Tantra have known for centuries that when you follow the path of Shakti―the sacred feminine principle personified by the goddesses of yoga―these gifts can manifest spontaneously. Yet most of us, women as well as men, have yet to experience the full potential of our inner feminine energies. When you know these powers for what they are, they heighten your capacity to open spiritually, love more deeply and fearlessly, create with greater mastery, and move through the world with skill and delight.
5) Music Playlist
This playlist was created by our Pure Flow Yoga retreat teacher Margit Selsjord
to help you feel, heal and flow.
Press play and enjoy a beautiful slow flow / yin heart-opening vibe.
Hope you enjoyed this week’s Love & Inspiration.
So much LOVE, Gratitude & Blessings to you,
Francie Love
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***What’s your favourite inspiration this week?***
I LOVE Hearing from You. Please let me know!