Here are your fresh Love & Inspirations for the week ahead:
1) Quote
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. – T.S Eliot
2) Poem
- Hokusai Says – Roger Keyes
Hokusai says Look carefully.
He says pay attention, notice.
He says keep looking, stay curious.
He says there is no end to seeing.
He says Look Forward to getting old.
He says keep changing, you just get more who you really are.
He says get stuck, accept it, repeat yourself as long as it’s interesting.
He says keep doing what you love.
He says keep praying.
He says every one of us is a child, every one of us is ancient, every one of us has a body.
He says every one of us is frightened.
He says every one of us has to find a way to live with fear.
He says everything is alive –shells, buildings, people, fish, mountains, trees.
Wood is alive.
Water is alive.
Everything has its own life.
Everything lives inside us.
He says live with the world inside you.
He says it doesn’t matter if you draw, or write books.
It doesn’t matter if you saw wood, or catch fish.
It doesn’t matter if you sit at home and stare at the ants on your veranda
or the shadows of the trees and grasses in your garden.
It matters that you care.
It matters that you feel.
It matters that you notice.
It matters that life lives through you.
Contentment is life living through you.
Joy is life living through you.
Satisfaction and strength is life living through you.
Peace is life living through you.
He says don’t be afraid.
Don’t be afraid.
Look, feel, let life take you by the hand.
Let life live through you.
3) Mantra Music Meditation
- Expand from the Heart Center – Aad Guray Nameh – Jai Jagdeesh
This kundalini mantra, in Gurmukhi language is a Prayer of Peace and Protection. Yogi Bhajan taught that this mantra should be chanted 3X in a row to create a field of protective energy.
You can download the full 23 minutes version here.
Aad Guray Nameh – I bow to the Primal Wisdom.
Jugaad Guray Nameh – I bow to the Wisdom through the Ages.
Sat Guray Nameh – I bow to the True Wisdom.
Siri Guroo Dayvay Nameh – I bow to the great, unseen Wisdom
4) Astro-Carography
Wanna know where to travel? Retreat? Settle down? Make money? Find love?
Astro-cartography is a fun and amazing tool to help you navigate your choices and opportunities with greater insight and ease. You need to know your birth time and place.
Let me know if you try it. I’d love to hear your insights!
5) Spooky Halloween Thoughts
So much LOVE & Blessings to you,
Francie Love
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***What’s your favourite inspiration this week?***
I LOVE Hearing from You. Please let me know!