Here are your fresh Love & Inspirations for the week ahead:
1) Quote I’m pondering:
“Sometimes the ‘wrong’ train can take us to the right place.”— Paulo Coelho
2) Book I’m Reading:
- Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas – by Alberto Villoldo
Ancient wisdom and perspectives, and practical contemporary take-aways for healing, shared here in-depth by Alberto Villoldo, a classically trained medical anthropologist, who has studied shamanic healing for more than twenty years.
3) How to play the Infinite Game – 37 mins
- Want to Innovate Like Apple? Play The Infinite Game with Simon Sinek – Interview with Marie Forleo
I’m still thinking about this awesome talk
understanding the difference between a finite and an infinite mindset, and considering ways to adopt this exciting mindset shift to be able to see life more clearly through an infinite lens.
This is an excellent conversation to help let go of any competitive mindset, and inspire more resilience and more positive growth mindset for our businesses and personal lives.
4) Free Oracle App I’m Loving:
- Wisdom of the Oracle – Collete Baron – Reid
I LOVE receiving oracle cards as gifts, and this is the latest one that I’ve been getting into.
Oracle cards are not meant to predict the future per se, but rather give you insight into the present moment – a fresh perspective to view a situation.
Have a try – this one is great. It’s easy to use, free, and online, and I find it’s very insightful!
5) Music
Sing along, stretch out your body, close your eyes and just be.
I’ve loved this class mantra – dub remix track for almost a decade.
This is a quintessential yoga class playlist favourite for many a-teacher, and I know you’ll LOVE it too.
So much LOVE & Blessings to you,
Francie Love
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***What’s your favourite inspiration this week?***
I LOVE Hearing from You. Please let me know!