Here are your fresh Love & Inspirations for the week ahead:


1) Quote:

  • ““We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”― Anaïs Nin


2) Book I’m gushing about

Empowering, inspiring, practical.  Everything is Figuroutatable is simultaneously a mantra, a mindset and a life philosophy.

I am huge big fan of Marie Forleo and everything she creates.  I often credit her for helping me find, and keep finding my way as an entrepreneur and motivated, inspired human.

I cannot remember the last time I underlined and highlighted so much in one book.  She has so many great, memorable and incredible helpful one-liner philosophies, and I highly highly highly recommend this book or anyone, especially if you are at all feeling stuck in any area of your life.

Some of my fav and most practical one-liner highlights:

  • Start before you’re ready
  • Define your Dream
  • Progress over Perfection
  • Try it before you deny it
  • If it’s important enough you’ll make time for it, otherwise you’ll make an excuse
  • The truth of Can’t vs. Won’t


3) Enneagram Test – ~15 mins

One of the absolute best and most complete personality systems and “user-manuals” I’ve ever had the opportunity to study is the Enneagram. 

If you spend any length of time with me personally, eventually we are gonna start talking Enneagram, because I love it and think its the greatest thing ever. 

Through discovering and learning to understand  our “type” we can begin to know and understand ourselves, our core fears and motivations and how to bring ourselves into more self-awareness, balance, wellness and growth.   

Rather than being yet another box or label to put ourselves into it,  I feel that learning the Enneagram has helped me to, as my dear friend and Enneagram Expert Lubna Shareif describes, “step out of the box of who we are”. 

Read Lubna’s article – Why Learn the Enneagram, here, and even set yourself up for a consultation to be able to begin navigating this masterful system. 

and let me know what type feels resonant for you! I’m always curious and excited to learn more about my people!


4) Music

Rootsy, soulful, hip-hoppy, folky, traditional somehow, yet totally new.  I love the genre-bending tapestry of voices and creations of these beautiful sisters. I chose this song to share with you today, but I love pretty much everything I’ve heard from Rising Appalachia.  Check ‘em out!

5) Ayurvedic Self-Care Practice

I just started tongue scraping a couple months ago after one my super knowledgable Ayurvedic Consultant friends, had one look at my tongue and told me I was toxic! 

I knew she was sharing from a helpful and empowering place, so I gave it a try and haven’t looked back. 

Scraping our tongues everyday, according to the ancient sister science to Yoga of Ayurveda, can help give you a better understanding of your overall oral and general health, as well as stimulate internal organs and improve digestion.


Which Inspiration did you LOVE the most today?

Please REPLY and let me know!

I LOVE hearing from you.

So much LOVE & Blessings to you sweet one!


Francie Love

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Love & Inspirations


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***What’s your favourite inspiration this week?***

I LOVE Hearing from You. Please let me know!