Happy Friday beautiful,

Sending lots of love of you on this lovely first day of March 2019.

Here are some fresh inspirations for you!

Sing with Me
Om Namah Shivaya GuruDev Sat Chit Ananda Murtaye | Namastasye Namastasye Namastsye Namaha

My highlight this past week on our Yoga Teacher Training was sharing Kirtan, or call and response singing with the group.

Kirtan is one of the beautiful ways that we can practice Bhakti Yoga, or Yoga of the heart, to loosen our mental chatter, by repeating a mantra over and over and over again, to come into the heart.

For many of the students, it was their first time trying this practice, and despite thinking beforehand that they did’t like singing, or that they would feel uncomfortable, all the students left feeling “surprised”, “open”, “softer”, “released”, “alive”, “grateful”, “more connected” and “happy”.

I invite you today to sing with me, and let me know – how do you feel after?

photo by Margit Selsjord


“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”. ~Albert Einstein

Oracle Cards I’m playing with:
Isis Oracle by Alana Fairchild
Over the past few years, I’ve become increasingly amused and informed by divination, and I happen to love this among other decks. Everyday I ask: What do i need to know today?

Pretty much every culture throughout history has turned to some sort of divination, whether it’s, tea leaves, palm reading or divination.

Divination is pretty much just a way of looking inside, and communicating with the subconscious.

Do you have a favourite oracle card deck that you use? I’d love some recommendations!

Sacred Dance Music I’m LoVin’:

Walkerji @ Sundaydance – Ecstatic Dance Set

Profound and sacred ecstatic dance journey, connecting inner and outer worlds, from one of my favourite sacred music dance producers, Walker Barnard.

Pure Flow Yoga Video:

Spiral into the Flow – 10 min Practice

In this beautiful dancing warrior flow, we move through any stagnancy, any stuck energy to increase the feeling of flow in our bodies, minds, and hearts.

Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead, & thanks again for being a part of this beautiful growing Pure Flow Yoga Tribe.

We LOVE you!

With Love & Blessings



P.S. Ready to dive deep into Yoga, Nature & Community? Sign up for our spring season retreats with our epic new teachers Nadia (April), Michael, (May) and Daphne (June), and receive a FREE NIGHT before or after your retreat @ Bamboo Huts with promocode “hellospring” 🙂

P.P.S Sharing is Caring. Did you like this e-mail? What was your favourite part? I’d LOVE to hear from you! and If you enjoyed this little inspiration, please consider sharing it. We also have an awesome referral program if you know of someone would love and benefit from joining us in paradise.

Instagram Post of the Week:

Most yogis twist in a variety of ways during their practice-while sitting, standing, lying down and even standing on our heads! So why do we twist so much in yoga and why do twists feel so damn good?…Because these poses provide an abundance of amazing health benefits✨ Twisting improves digestive function by compressing the digestive organs, stimulates circulation, helps restore the spine’s natural range of motion, helps to increase detoxification, reduces stress and lessens back pain💛