Home Practice Flows

Developing a home practice is a great way to get in the habit of opening your body, heart and mind with Yoga.

Click on the links below and experience your pure flow! Complete with Practice tips and playlists. Feel free to improvise and embellish!

Home Practice Tips

Sacred Space. Set up a designated space in your home for practice. You can create a simple altar with beautiful objects, a candle, some incense and images of people who inspire you. Set up a timer too, this can help you keep a minimum practice time commitment.

Meditate. Take a moment to sit before you practice and set an intention. Breathe. Make it a point to find your breath in each pose, to initiate each pose with the breath, and to keep using the breath as a tool to come back to the present moment as much as possible.

Listen. Listen to your body’s communication. Where and How does each pose feel? Try staying at least 5 full breaths in each pose or until you feel the peak of the stretch. Repeat the sequences as many times as feels good, and if you feel to add any embellishments or additional poses feel welcome.

Celebrate! You’ve shown up and made the efforts. Celebrate your wins. Whether you go through the whole sequence, or simply made it to the mat, you are winning!

Want more? We are always striving to reflect, refine and improve our offerings.  Do you have any special requests that you’d like us to share with you? More practice flows? Articles on different topics? A retreat in a different exotic location?

Please Let us know!