Yoga & Sacred Activism: 3 Ways to face the Darkness and stay Light
Yoga & Sacred Activism: 3 ways to Look into the Darkness and Stay Light The world these days is like a dirty house. It’s been sullied with injustice, cruelty, selfishness, and greed. But just like a dirty house, it has every...
Malaika Darville – Walking the Beauty Way
Walking the Beauty Waywith Malaika Darville "In many shamanic societies, if you came to a shaman or medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited or depress, they would ask you one of four questions: When did you stop dancing? When did you stop...
6 Ways to Nourish your Immune System this Winter
6 Ways to Nourish your Immune System this Winter by Ellanah Fawcett For those in the Northern Hemisphere the phase of winter within our yearly cycle is beginning to settle in. With it comes the gift of our annual time to really go inside, reflect on the cycle that has...
What to Expect: 7 IMPORTANT Things to Know Before Coming {Magic Bay Hacks}
What to Expect: {Magic Bay Hacks} 7 Important Things to Know Before Coming We are so excited and honoured to welcome you to our beautiful jungle home. I, myself have been living in this completely unique community for almost 7 years now, and its amazing....
The Healing Power of Forgiveness
The Healing Power of Forgiveness by Faith Hill Forgiveness has always been part of our human society and is featured in multiple historic religious texts but many people do not realise its powerful healing powers for inner peace and personal growth. When...
Sacred Activism & Self-Care
Listen to the Podcast Here:You can also find our podcast on GooglePlay, Spotify, & Itunes! Atira Tan is truly a force of love and good. She is empowering and inspiring the world through Sacred Activism and Feminine Embodied Spirituality. In this...
Optimise your Life with Ayurveda
How to Optimise your Lifestyle with Ayurveda With Kimmana Nichols Yoga nerds, this episode is for you! Grab a pen, and some paper, cause your'e gonna wanna take some notes! In this episode, Ayurvedic expert and Naturopath Kimmana Nichols shares wisdom from...
What makes an Exceptional Yoga Teacher
Want to become an Exceptional Yoga Teacher? 5 Qualities of the World's Top Yoga Teachers Ready to start teaching? Or, are you ready to refine how you already share? First, Think about your life and the favourite teachers that you’ve had. What are the...
My Top 5 Favourite Yoga Poses & Why!
My top 5 Favourite Yoga Poses For Anytime & Anywhere On your mat, get set, flow.... Developing a home practice can feel intimidating at times. Often we have blurts flowing through the mind - I don't have time, Where do I start? What comes next?... A...
Attitude of Gratitude
Attitude of Gratitude Wanna be Happy? ♥ Be Grateful! “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk" - Rumi...
No Mud. No Lotus
No Mud, No Lotus. No Mud. No Lotus. Om Mani Padme Hum - Mantra for Inner Peace In many ancient cultures and traditions, the lotus flower is considered a symbol of purity, enlightenment, awakening, perfection, and rebirth and serves as a metaphor for...
Tips for Living a more Sattvic life
The Gunas 10 Tips for Living a more Sattvic Life Living in Balance: Introducing the Gunas Welcome. Before we get to the tips on how to live a more sattvic and balanced life, let's have a look at what that means. First of all, Finding and maintaining...
Bhakti Bliss
Bhakti Bliss Yoga of the Heart Bhakti Yoga / Mantra Yoga Yoga of the Heart “The power of mantra lies in the vibrations, and these vibrations work on many levels, whether the sayings are pronounced out loud or silently …The simple act of saying a mantra will still...
5 Reasons to go on a Yoga Retreat
5 Reasons to go on a Yoga Retreat by Krishna Chan There are many different definitions of the word “Retreat”. My favorite one is “ a period of withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a” teacher. As taken from Merriam-Webster.This...
Developing a Successful Home Practice
Developing a Successful Home Practice Strategy for Successful Home Practice Creating the conditions for your Rhythm & Routine One of the most beautiful and liberating aspects of yoga is that you don’t need any fancy equipment or a designated building or field to...
Contemplation Questions for Clarity, Self-Love & Self-Study
Contemplations & Journal Question for Self-Study, Clarity & Self-love Questions for Clarity, INsight & Self-Love Everyday's a school day! Everything that arises can be seen as a lesson to be learned if you are willing to see it that way. This is the...
Is this retreat right for me?
Is this Retreat Right for Me? Take this short Quiz and find out People join us on retreat for many reasons. While people are coming from all different backgrounds, ethnicities, professions, age and income brackets, there are some truly beautiful and deep human...
10 Awesome Reasons Why Retreats are a Healing Must!
10 Awesome Reasons Why Retreats Are a Healing Must! by Chantal Di Donato Ever reached that point when everything around you is falling apart and you need a serious break? Most of us, especially in busy cities with equally busy lives, feel that way! I hit the wall a...
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